48 x 48 mm Indicators Interceptors

843/N Series Temperature Controllers

Regolatori 843/NFor those who want the utmost simplicity and directness. The classic analog temperature controller - thermostat model 843/N allows the setting of the threshold by knob.

TJ4x Series Temperature Controllers

Regolatori Serie TJ4xThe TJ4x series regulators offer two outputs and can easily be used as double threshold interceptors.

DM50 Series Interceptors with 2/4 outputs

Intercettatori serie DM50 a 2/4 usciteFor those who want the maximum from interceptor - threshold specific functions such as digital filter, setting the acquisition parameters, outputs delay/release, manual rearm, Peak and Hold functions, continuous outputs or serial communication output, etc., we suggest the DM50 series.

TM9x5 Series Temperature Controllers

Regolatori Serie TM9x5For those who need 3 outputs the proposed solution are the TM9x5 series regulators - interceptors. Three flexible and versatile thresholds in squezeed size.



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